
MOVECO project kick-off

  • 2017. 02. 02.
  • MOVECO, kick-off, Circular economy, Extended Producer Responsibility, recycling
Following the successful application phase, the Interreg-Danube project MOVECO (Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy) has been launched at the beginning of this year.

Our partners got together at the premises of the Lead Applicant, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. The main aim of the 30th and 31st of January meeting in Ljubljana was to discuss the first steps of the MOVECO project.
After the introduction of the consortium members, partners int...

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OFF TO SPAS projekindítás Hévízen

  • 2015. 08. 31.
  • Cosme, balneológia, turizmus, egészség, nyugdíjasok, kick-off, wellness, utószezon, gyógyfürdők
2015. augusztus 26-27-én tartották meg az OFF TO SPAS projektindító találkozóját Hévízen. A kétnapos rendezvényen a partnerek egyeztették az előttük álló teendőket és feladatokat.

Az Európai Bizottság 2015. július 29-én írta alá a 278 098 euró értékű nemzetközi projekt támogatási szerződését. A partnerség 4 ország 7 szervezetéből állt össze, Magyar...

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OFF TO SPAS kick-off meeting in Hévíz

  • 2015. 08. 31.
  • Cosme, balneology, tourism, health, seniors, kick-off, wellness, off-season, spas
The kick-off meeting of the project OFF TO SPAS was held on 26th-27th August 2015 in Hévíz in order to launch the project. During the two day meeting participating partners discussed the upcoming tasks and responsibilities.

The grant agreement of the EUR 278 098 international project was signed by the European Commission on  29th July 2015. The partnership was set up of 7 organisations of 4 countries: Hungary is represented by the University of Pannonia (coordinating partner), Tourism Non-profit Ltd. of Hé...

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